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What's new at CHBC?

Mission of the Spirit
By Pastor Chad Last Sunday, we discussed the mission of the Holy Spirit among the people of God. As Jesus tells us in John 16:12-15 , the...

The Helper
By Pastor Chad Carlos was not as athletic as the other boys. He tried, but he could never match the speed and agility of others. He...

On Account of My Name (Part 2)
By Pastor Chad This world can be a hostile place. It can be difficult to live as Christ has called us to live in a world that opposes us....

On Account of My Name: What Must Be Done
By Pastor Chad Sunday morning, I preached a message from John 15:18-25 . My message focused on the world’s attitude toward Christian...

Greater Love
By Pastor Chad Given that I have attended church since I was in the womb, I have no idea what it’s like to be disconnected from a local...

Take and Eat
By Pastor Chad In my message yesterday, I encouraged everyone to have a daily devotional time. This is a time in which you set aside...

Abide: Part 2
By Pastor Chad Over the last two weeks, we have focused on John 15:1-11 . There we find Jesus giving a teaching on abiding in Him. He...

Abide: Part 1
By Pastor Chad When I lived in Texas, every spring, we looked forward to the blooming of the bluebonnets. These wild flowers brighten up...

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, Our Triune God is at Work
By Pastor Chad Last Sunday morning, I gave a hard message. It wasn’t that the message was hard to accept, it is just a difficult topic to...

Do You Really Love Jesus?
By Pastor Chad When I was a teenager, every once in a while, the youth would play a game called “If You Love Me…” The concept of the game...

Supernaturally Active
By Pastor Chad The Old Testament is replete with stories of God’s supernatural workings within His creation. The New Testament likewise...

The Story of Glorification
Sunday Recap By Pastor Chad This Sunday morning we concluded our series on “The Story of Redemption” by focusing on “The Story of...

The Story of Sanctification
By Pastor Chad I do not have a green thumb. In fact, I can’t even get my lawn to look nice. A healthy lawn requires constant care and...

The Story of Justification
By Pastor Chad In the American system, when a defendant stands before a judge or jury, it is the responsibility of the judge or jury to...

The Story of Regeneration
By Pastor Chad Given humanity’s sinful condition, we are in need of transformation. Scripture claims mankind is “dead in our trespasses...

The Story of Adoption
By Pastor Chad The story goes that a king conquered an ancient city. A city that was a perpetual rival and antagonist against his...

The Story of Faith and Repentance
By Pastor Chad We are exploring a series on the story of redemption. The redemptive story is God’s story. It is the story of creation. It...

The Story of the Gospel
By Pastor Chad The redemptive story is God’s story. But it isn’t just God’s story, it is also our story. It is the story of how...

The Story of the Fall
By Pastor Chad Some of the most basic human questions are: Why are we here? What is my purpose? Does this life have any meaning? As...

“Before” the Beginning
By Pastor Chad Wonder is a fundamental aspect of humanity. The ability to wonder and imagine is something only we can do, no other...
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