Read Scripture
Read all or parts of Exodus 35:4–40:38 from your Bible or watch the Bible story video below.
Preschool Bible Story Video
Elementary Bible Story Video
Talk About Scripture
The Royal Standard is a unique flag that shares the location of the King of England. The flag is used to let the locals know that the King is near them. When he is staying in Buckingham Palace, the flag flies over the palace to show that he is home. When he travels, the flag is flown from the car, plane, or other home for however long he is there. When he leaves, the flag is lowered and goes with him to the next location. With a flag that always tells people where he is, it doesn’t sound like the King would be good at hide and seek!
When the Israelites left Egypt, God went with His people. Like the Royal Standard that shows the King’s presence, God made His presence known by leading the people with a cloud by day and fire by night. God desired to dwell with His people, so He gave Moses instructions to build the tabernacle. This tent would be God’s home to dwell among His people.
Wherever they traveled, the Israelites would set up the tabernacle in the center of camp as a powerful reminder that God was with His people. God has always wanted to be with His people. Even when sin separated Adam and Eve from God in the garden, God had a plan to be with His people. God sent His Son, Jesus, to live on earth with people. Through Jesus, all who believe can be reunited with God, and one day they will dwell with Him for all eternity!
God told Moses and the people to build the tabernacle so that He could dwell among them. We no longer need a tabernacle, because those who trust in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection have been given the Holy Spirit so that God lives in us, not merely near us.
Pray: God, thank You for loving us with an everlasting love and always wanting to be with Your people. Even when sin separated us from You, You sent Jesus to dwell with people. Help us to believe in Jesus so we can have new life and dwell with You forever and ever. Amen.
Learn Scripture

Preschool Scripture Music Video
Elementary Scripture Music Video
Family Prayer
Mornings: Ask God to remind you of His presence throughout your day. How does God’s presence bring us peace? How can our love for others be a reminder of God’s desire to have a relationship with them?
Evenings: Thank God for your church. Church, like the tabernacle, is a place where we can worship God. Anyone who believes in Jesus has received the Holy Spirit, who dwells with them and in them. This means we can always experience His presence and worship Him!
Family Activities
For Fun: Use blankets and furniture to make an indoor tent. Climb into the tent and read the Bible story together. Tell stories of times you felt God’s presence with you and celebrate the fact that God wants to dwell with His people!
To Serve: Volunteer to clean or decorate your church for an upcoming service. Work as a family to prepare the space for worship. As you work, talk with kids about the specific instructions God gave for the tabernacle construction. Remind your kids that the Holy Spirit dwells with and in every believer.
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