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The Gospel Project at Home: The People Grumbled

Read Scripture

Read all or parts of Numbers 11-12 from your Bible or watch the Bible story video below.

Preschool Bible Story Video

Elementary Bible Story Video


Talk About Scripture

We live in a world that is never satisfied and always wants more: more money, more toys, more clothing, more followers. We are constantly told to get more, or else we won’t truly be happy. But there is a big problem with always wanting more. If we always want more, then we are never satisfied. No matter how much we receive or achieve, there is always more. 


God had done miraculous things to rescue the Israelites, and He had provided for them in ways that only He could do. And yet, they wanted more. They wanted God to do more, give them more, and let them be more important than Moses. Though God had given them way more than they deserved, they were not satisfied with God or His gifts.  


If we aren’t careful, we can get so focused on the treasures of this world that we forget the treasure we have in Christ. Even the good things God gives to us can make us forget how good He is as the Giver. The way to be satisfied with God is to always remember He provided Jesus to meet our greatest need of forgiveness and salvation. Rather than wanting more, we can be completely satisfied with Jesus because He is more than enough! 


The people grumbled because they thought they needed more than God had provided. We also grumble when we wish God would give us more of the things we want. But God has already provided what we need most—His Son, Jesus, who died and rose again so we could be saved.              


Pray: God, we have everything we need in Jesus, so help us be satisfied in Him. Help us remember the great price He paid to save us from sin and the great rewards we have in His name. When our hearts desire more, teach us to be content with You. Amen.


Learn Scripture

Preschool Scripture Music Video

Elementary Scripture Music Video


Family Prayer

Mornings: Ask God to teach you contentment today. Contentment is trusting that God is good and has given us everything He wants us to have. Ask God to forgive the ways you have let your wants stop you from worshiping Him as the Creator.        

Evenings: Thank God for the example of humility we have in Jesus. Jesus willingly came to earth so He could endure suffering and death to save us. Ask God for wisdom and strength to give up your own selfish desires to serve Jesus.   


Family Activities

For Fun: Create a complaint jar to keep in the living room or kitchen. Whenever a family member—kids or parents—complain about something, they must put spare change in the jar. At the end of the week, talk as a family about how easily our hearts can fall into complaining and how discontent we can be. Pray as a family for faith to trust in God's good plan for your lives.  

To Serve: Cook a meal, assemble a care basket, or do a random act of service for someone this week. Talk about how good it feels to serve others and how this can be an act of worship as it reminds us how Jesus served us. Talk as a family about how serving others can keep our hearts from becoming self-centered and discontent.           

This is a resource provided by LifeWay. For more great resources, click here.

Cedar Heights Baptist Church

14510 Cedar Heights Road

North Little Rock, AR 72118

Phone: 501-851-2563

Sunday Schedule

8:30 AM: Early Worship

9:30 AM: Ministry Groups

10:45 AM: Worship

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