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The Helper

By Pastor Chad

Carlos was not as athletic as the other boys. He tried, but he could never match the speed and agility of others. He simply resigned himself to the reality that God made him for something other than sports. When he was in his 30’s, however, Carlos started noticing weakness and fatigue that seemed abnormal. He adapted his diet and integrated exercise into his weekly routine, but the exhaustion only seemed to get worse. He finally decided to see a doctor about his condition–just to make sure it wasn’t all in his head. As it turns out, after extensive doctor visits and tests, Carlos was diagnosed with a rare heart condition. This wasn’t a new issue for him, he was born with the heart condition. The good news was with the right treatment, the condition could be cured.  

Though this fictional story details a lifelong physical condition, it illustrates the condition in which we are all conceived. We all have a major spiritual problem. Left untreated, it will lead to one’s demise and condemnation. If the right treatment is applied, however, one can be healed. The problem is sin. We all have it. In fact, one of the most dangerous aspects of sin is that it inclines us to deny its very existence. But it is real–very real! And it is out to harm. There is a cure, though. A cure that can heal the deepest and most severe of sin: faith in the saving blood of Jesus Christ. His blood is the cure. His sacrifice is the remedy. To apply it, one must repent of his/her sins and believe in the gospel. 

In my message on Sunday morning, I showed that, according to Jesus in John 16:8, the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin. The Holy Spirit doesn’t just help us to acknowledge our sins, He helps us understand its devastation and harm. The Holy Spirit is like a Holy Physician diagnosing our disease, and treating our ailment. He shines a spotlight on what separates us from God and leads to condemnation. He opens our eyes to the need of salvation, and the forgiveness God offers. And for all who accept and surrender to His truth, the Holy Spirit renews and cleanses us from all sin and unrighteousness. 

The work of the Holy Spirit is extensive and powerful. He convicts those in rebellion against God of their hostile hearts and minds. To be sure, not all acknowledge or receive this conviction. There are millions that are convicted of sin, yet rebuff any divine admonishment. Many who ignore or turn away, may surrender in the future, but not all do. For those who perpetually reject the conviction of the Holy Spirit, judgment awaits. This judgment, according to Jesus, is the same punishment that awaits the “ruler of this world.” His condemnation is sure, and so is that of all who refuse the glorious grace of Christ. 

Thus, if you have never done so, I encourage you today, repent of your sins and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do so soon! For no one knows the day, nor the hour.  

Cedar Heights Baptist Church

14510 Cedar Heights Road

North Little Rock, AR 72118

Phone: 501-851-2563

Sunday Schedule

8:30 AM: Early Worship

9:30 AM: Ministry Groups

10:45 AM: Worship

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